Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Health Benefits Quitting Smoking
When you take that last puff of a cigarette and are on your way to total freedom, there are many benefits that you will enjoy. Unfortunately, you may also feel as if you are leaving a bad symptom.
However, keeping in mind your intense motivation (ways to quit smoking motivation) to be free now, choose from the following list the health benefits you would like to start enjoying immediately once you quit smoking. Number your choices by priority:
- Hands and feet become warmer from improved circulation.
- Blood pressure and pulse rate lower and approach normal.
- Mouth and hair no longer smell of smoke.
- Senses of taste and smell improve.
- Cough disappears and phlegm production returns to normal.
- Stamina increases significantly.
- Energy level is higher.
- Field of vision increases by 15 to 20 percent.
- Risk of all diseases caused by smoking is reduced - emphysema, heart attacks, and cancers of all types.
Emotional Benefits of Being Quit of Smoking
You can now begin to sort out your emotional attachment to your "best friend" - the one who is betraying you. Your nicotine-drenched brain has made it difficult for you to evaluate your feelings about cigarettes.
You were forced to say you enjoyed them, because in all other matters you are a rational being. And why would a rational being who recognizes that smoking is unpleasant, irritating, and harmful do it anyway? Many people admit that they often smoke against their own will.
Now number in order of priority the emotional benefits of quitting smoking you will get minutes after you break free:
- You have improved your self-image.
- You have put yourself in charge of your life.
- You have a feeling of accomplishment and self-respect.
- You are becoming happier, less depressed.
- Never again will you have to plan every activity around cigarette smoking.
- Never again will you have to make excuses, or feel guilty about needing cigarettes.
- Never again will you have to go back into the house to be sure all cigarettes are extinguished.
- Never again will you have to take inventory of smoking paraphernalia before you leave your home or office.
- Now you can hold on to the excitement of being a winner and bask in a sense of well-being.
Guide to quit smoking
However there is a proper way to proceed with once you have decided to quit smoking viz.
1. First sit down and write down why you want to quit smoking (the benefits of quitting and ways to quit smoking): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and you know what you'll get by quitting. Put it on paper and read it daily.
2. Ask your family and friends to support your decision to quit smoking. Ask them to be completely supportive and non-judgmental. Let them know ahead of time that you will probably be irritable and even irrational while you withdraw from your smoking habit.
3. Set a quit smoking date. Decide what day you will extinguish your cigarettes forever.
4. Talk with your doctor about quitting. Support and guidance from a physician is a proven way to better your chances to quit smoking.
5. Begin an exercise program. Exercise is simply incompatible with smoking. Exercise relieves stress and helps your body recover from years of damage from cigarettes.
6. Do some deep breathing each day for 3 to 5 minutes. Breathe in through your nose very slowly, hold the breath for a few seconds, and exhale very slowly through your mouth.
7. Have your teeth cleaned. Enjoy the way your teeth look and feel and plan to keep them that way.
8. Drink lots of water. Water is good for you anyway, and most people don't get enough. It will help flush the nicotine and other chemicals out of your body, plus it can help reduce cravings by fulfilling the "oral desires" that you may have.
9. Learn what triggers your desire for a cigarette, such as stress, the end of a meal, arrival at work, entering a bar, etc. Avoid these triggers or if that's impossible, plan alternative ways to deal with the triggers.
10. Find something to hold in your hand and mouth, to replace cigarettes. You might try an artificial cigarette.
11. Lastly believe in yourself. Believe that you can quit smoking. Think about some of the most difficult things you have done in your life and realize that you have the guts and determination to quit smoking.
Go Smoke Free